Monday, November 25, 2013

That Mysterious Knife

Something that has always bugged me about the crime scene behind the theater in Aurora is that pesky disappearing knife located by one of the many gas masks which, by the way, did NOT belong to officers per police testimony at the preliminary hearings.  The story is that James decided to show up with multiple gas masks and left them all outside of his car.. Ok. But let's save that for another day. Not only is said knife and said extra gas mask located at the Southeast corner of the theater, quite a bit away from where the arrest took place and the suspects car, it was never even accounted for.  We heard testimony of a couple pocket knives found in James Holmes' pockets but that's about it. One minute it's there, albeit covered sloppily with a piece of paper, the next minute it's magically gone!  Why? Was it the cause of that blood trail leading back INTO the theater? Another topic for another day. CNN's photos show a lazily photoshopped image with a missing knife.  When one would click on the image on CNN's article, it would actually link to photoshop artist Karl Ghering's website. HA! Once word of this began circling the interwebs the head director of CNN, Jim Walton, resigned after 30 years. Coincidence or Conspiracy?

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